AGES: 6 weeks - 18 months
Connect's Infant Program offers both full and part-time options Monday thru Friday. Little Learners are full of curiosity and enjoy engaging in hands-on learning. Connect's programs utilize natural observation skills to engage age-appropriate learning. Instruction adheres to the Adventures in Learning curriculum recommended by Better Beginnings.
Tuition Rates:
Infant Room: $205/week
Movers Room: $205/week
Drop-In Rate for Non-Enrolled Students: $64/day
A drop-in is any child attending less than 2x/month
Other fees:
Non-refundable $50 enrollment fee that will hold your child's spot in care for up to 2 weeks (must be paid prior to state date)
If your child is dropped and later re-enrolled, a new enrollment fee will be charged
Late pick-up fee for any child picked up after 6:00 PM
$15 up to 15 minutes
After 6:15 PM, it is $2/minute due by the end of the week
Three late pick-up fees can result in termination of services
Late payment fees $35 after Monday
Annual registration fee of $50 per child with no family paying more than $100 due by March 15th every year
Active duty military will be given a 10% discount per child enrolled
Promotional discounts will have an expiration date
Vacation Time:
Once a child has been enrolled at Connect for 12 consecutive months, your family will be eligible for vacation weeks in which your child will not attend and you will not pay tuition:
2 years = 2 weeks vacation
3 years = 3 weeks vacation
A Vacation Request Form must be submitted through our website at least 2 weeks PRIOR to the beginning of your vacation week
Only two families will be approved for any given week on a first-come, first-served basis
To receive the vacation credit, your child cannot be in attendance in the full billing week, Monday-Friday
Payment Information:
Parents will be billed on Friday for the upcoming week
Payments are due on Monday of the week services are provided
We accept cash, check, auto-draft, or payment on the BrightWheel app
Late payment fee will be added on Wednesday if account is not paid in full
Payment Terms:
Parents understand and agree to make timely payments for their child's enrollment as outlined in the payment schedule above. In case of late payment, late fee may be applied
Withdrawal and Refunds:
If parents wish to withdraw their child from the Childcare Center, they must provide 2 weeks' written or emailed notice. Tuition fees are non-refundable after the start of the enrollment period
Health and Emergency:
Parents must provide accurate and updated health and emergency contact information for their child. In case of a medical emergency, the Childcare Center is authorized to seek medical attention for the child